Prasad Chromium Yellow pigment 2002 chemically is in solids category and powder shape, yellow, non-toxic, proper heat and optical stability that has the ability of covering and high power of coloring also it very helps to dry brightening.
What is Prasad Chromium Yellow pigment ?
Sedimentary Chromium Yellow pigment is derived from Lead Chromate. Lead Chromate is produced from reaction of water and Chromate potassium and Lead (II) nitrate. Preparation of this matter in laboratory with very simple equipment is possible.
Advantages and properties of Prasad Chromium Yellow pigment 2002
Chromium Yellow pigment with 576 g/mol molecular weight, counts as mineral pigment that its PH degree is between 5-6. This matter also has the ability of coating, optical resistance, heat stability and great coloring power. The only disadvantage of that, is becoming dark in contact with heat and oxidation in period of time.
Application of Prasad Chromium Yellow pigment 2000
This matter according to advantages and features that it has, is used to various materials and products production in different parts of industries. For examples to color plastic, woody stuffs and surfaces coating, ink production industry, leathering industry, to coloring foodstuffs, produce plastic paints, to coloring cloth, varnish production, dyeing paper and etc.
Use and maintenance conditions of Prasad Chromium Yellow pigment
Although this matter is categorized in group of non-toxic materials but while using that is recommended to use mask, gloves, glasses, safety clothes and hat, also when this matter be in contact with skin, instantly that part should be washed by soap and water, and when it had contact with eyes is necessary to wash them fast by water.