China Aerosil Fusil 200 that the scientific name of that is famed silica, is white powder, voluminous, light, based on silica and also having high percent of silica with white color. This material has properties such as softness, volumizing, polishing and hydrophilicity.
What is China Aerosil Fusil 200?
Aerosil consist of microscopic droplets of Amorphous Silica, that consist of three-pronged shaped secondary particles, chain and three dimensional that accumulate in thirdly particles. Its three- dimensional structure cause to increased viscosity, Thixotropic behavior while using as thickener or booster.
Simply expression, this material is created from formation of Silica foam of silicon dioxide in the flame and it will use as concentrator and also to prevent sedimentation. In additions this material is known as Himax Silica dioxide and Silica foamed.
China Aerosil Fusil 200 advantages
Among the benefits of Aerosil Fusil can be mentioned to improve current properties and powder, anti cacking, controlling rheology and thixotropy of liquid system, binders, polymers and etc.
Also Silicon reinforcement on HTV and RTV-2K.
China Aerosil Fusil 200 applications
Aerosil Fusil is used to increasing materials density and adhesion properties in paint and coating industries, make Gel- coat, glue, printing ink and unsaturated Polyester resin, coat-gel, gluing, printing ink, producing decorative stone industry, types of ceramics, compositing, concrete lubricant, cosmetics industry, producing plastics raw material and etc.
Aerosil Fusil keeping conditions
This substance must be kept in dry, cool and equipped with proper ventilation container, packages that contain Aerosil Fusil must be closed and kept away from heat producing source, humidity and electrical sparks. it is recommended that people use safety mask, glasses, special overall while direct contact to this substance.
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