Titan sr-236 is a white powder from important Oxides of Titanium, non-toxic, insoluble in water, heat stability, with high refractive index and excellent brightening.
What is Titan sr-236 ?
Titania counts as mineral and natural material that mostly is obtained from Ilmenite Ore, and base on its crystal structure is categorized in three Rutile, Anatase, Brookite groups.
Advantages and properties of Titan sr 236
This matter is non-toxic, it is insoluble in water, organic acids and dilute alkalic solutions but it solves in warm Sulfuric acid and HF. It also has more coating power and ability to do better homochromatic compared to other pigments, and decrease rate of decomposition system (here decomposition means: breaking, fading, cracking) while combine to a polymer. This matter also causes to create a protective effect against UV rays.
Application of Titan sr-236
This matter usually is used to produce emulsion colors, ink industry, air filtering, has anticancer property because its high reflection and absorption of UV rays so is used in sunscreen and bleacher cream, because its high refractive index and light reflection properties in sunscreen production, as pigments in food products, final matte color production, as gas pollution controller in industrial factories and cars and etc.
Use and maintenance conditions of Titan sr-236
In Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) this mater isn’t in group of toxic and dangerous materials so is not forbidden to use it as pigment or additive but because its dusts effect on respiratory system, in prolonged contact to this matter is recommended to use mask, gloves, glasses, hat and safety clothes. Because the derived dusts of its displacement are harmful for human health.