Yellow pigment G1201 with solid chemical form, is yellow, insoluble in water, non-toxic, great resistance to corrosion, excellent heat and optical stability that is very impenetrable.
What is Yellow pigment G1201 ?
Pigments usually are categorized in 2 groups, organic and mineral. Mineral pigments in nature are found from plants and animals but organic pigments are produced in chemical processes .
Advantages and properties of Yellow pigment G1201
These pigments are able to change the transitional or reflective optical color white using the selective wavelength absorption. They can be caused to protect surface in front of corrosion and weathering, crystal structure, it shows good resistance to acids and bases, chemical nature, special paint stability and cause becoming gloss and attraction of dye coating.
Application of Yellow pigment G1201
This matter according to what features and advantages does it have, is used in different parts of industry and to produce various materials and products. as examples plastic production industry, master batch industry, textile industry, to color the cosmetic equipment, in metal stuffs and surfaces coating, rubber production, cellulose paints production, coating colors production, oily paints production and etc.
Use and maintenance conditions of Yellow pigment
When this matter be in contact with eyes, instantly they should be washed by water and while this matter be in touch with skin, the skin should be washed by soap and water. This matter hasn’t reported as toxic yet but is better to use mask, gloves, glasses, safety clothes and hat while using it.