Sulfonyl is a group of organic compounds that are chemically similar to sulfonic acids, except that they have a side chain instead of the hydroxyl group in the sulfonic acid structure. These materials are often used in various sectors of industry, for example, in the food industry, detergent industry, in pharmacy and in the production of various materials and products, due to their advantages and characteristics, which are among their inherent characteristics.
Sulfonyl is offered in Pilar Tejarat Chemicals Trading with the highest quality and the most appropriate price, so for information about the price and related analysis, please refer to the main page of this product: Sulfonyl OMS
Sulfonyl OMS
Product Name: Sulfonyl OMS
English Title: OMS سولفونيل
Manufacturer: Iran
Chemical Form: Liquid
Unit of measurement: kg
Package Type: Barrel
Grade: OMS