Ketones are well-known organic compounds that are very similar to aldehydes. Their structure is R’COR, in which R and R ‘are alkyl groups, and CO is known as the carbonyl functional group. Ketones are oxygen-containing compounds that are separated from alcohols and ethers by double bonding and are separated from esters, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, and amides by carbon, which binds to the two alkyl groups.

The difference between ketones and aldehydes is that the carbon in which they are attached to the other two carbons in aldehydes is attached to at least one hydrogen. They are very valuable compounds that are widely used as solvents or raw materials in industry, as well as the ketones in nature have a pleasant smell and some ingredients are composed of these ketones. For example, the hormone testosterone in the human body, which has pharmacological and biological effects, belongs to the same category of compounds.

Camphor is a type of ketone, and methyl cyclopenta decano, or the Musk of the deer, which is derived from the glands of a type of deer, is one of these compounds. Famous and well-known ketones such as acetone, butanone and acetyl acetone are also widely used in everyday life and industry.

Their main use in industry is as a solvent and reaction raw material. This application is very significant in the paint industry. A type of this substance called bicillin is used to prepare and flavor artificial butter margarine.

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تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Cyclohexanone

persian Title: سيکلوهگزانون

Manufacturer: Taiwan

Chemical Form: Liquid

Unit of measurement: kg

Type of packing: 190kg barrel

Grade: CYC

Download: Cyclohexanone analysis

استون کومهو

Acetone Kumho

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Acetone Kumho

persian Title: استون کومهو

Producer: Kumho Korea

Chemical Form: Solid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 160kg barrel

Grade: 99.5%

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Unit of measurement: kg

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رزین اپوکسی E1

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تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Korea E1 Epoxy Resin

persian Title: کره E1 رزين اپوکسي

Manufacturer: Korea

Chemical Form: Liquid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: Barrel

Grade: E1

Download: Korea E1 Epoxy Resin Analysis

متیل متا اکریلات

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Chemical Form: Liquid

Unit of measurement: kg

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Download: Korea Lotte Methyl Methacrylate analysis

متیل اتیل کتون

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Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Liquid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: Barrel 165kg

Download: Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) Analysis

متيل ايزو بوتيل کتون

Methyl isobutyl ketone MIBK

تماس بگیرید

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persian Title: (MIBK) متيل ايزو بوتيل کتون

Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Liquid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: Barrel

Download: Methyl Iso Butyl Ketone (MIBK) Analysis

استن ساسول

Stan Sasol

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Stan Sasol

persian Title: استن ساسول

Producer: Saswell , South Africa

Chemical Form: Liquid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 160kg barrel

Download: Stan Saswell Analysis