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Titan R868

Titan R868

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Titan R868

persian title: R868 تيتان

Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Powder

Unit of measurement: kg

Type of packing: 25 kg bag

Grade: R868

Download: Titan R868 Analysis

تیتان R 878

Titan R878

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Titanium R878

persian Title: R878 تيتان

Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Powder

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 25kg bag

Grade: R878

Download: Titan R878 Analysis

تيتان sr-236

Titan sr-236

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Titan sr236

Other Names: Titanium Dioxide SR236 - Titanium Dioxide SR236- Titanium Dioxide SR236

persian Title: sr236 تيتان

Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Powder

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 25kg bag

Grade: SR236

Download: Titan sr236 Analysis