Polyvinyl alcohol JP24 is a material in the form of powder with solid chemical state, from the family of synthetic polymers, non-toxic, white, water-soluble, tasteless, odorless, which also has the ability to store electrical charge.
What is Polyvinyl alcohol JP24?
Polyvinyl is a synthetic polymer from the family of weak vinyl alcohol monomers, which is usually produced in industry through the polymerization of vinyl acetate monomers.
Advantages and features of polyvinyl alcohol JP24
It is not soluble in animal and vegetable oils and fats, but can be combined with many reactants and has a high bonding power. The viscosity of this material is between 4.8 to 5.8 milliseconds, it has biodegradable properties. It is extremely environmentally friendly, has good mechanical properties, has an amazing crystal structure and has little solubility in ethanol.
Application of polyvinyl alcohol JP24
This material has many practical advantages and properties that we mentioned in the previous sections, so it is widely used in various sectors of industry and in the production of various products and materials. For example, in the textile milling stage, to relieve dryness and eye pain in the production of eye drops, in the food packaging industry, as an emulsifier in the cosmetics industry, in paper and cardboard factories, to prevent soil erosion. , Is used in the production of disposable detergent packages, in the preparation of polyvinyl and tiral, etc.
Terms of use and storage of polyvinyl alcohol JP24
While this substance is classified as non-toxic, it is safe, but it is recommended to wash the contact area thoroughly with soap and water when it comes in direct contact with the skin of the hands or eyes. It is also better for people who have been in contact with this substance for a long time to use masks, glasses, gloves, work clothes and hats.