Saudi polyethylene wax MHB22 is a type of wax base on polyethylene, with solid crystal chemical shape, odorless, colorless or creamy and translucent. This matter is usually produced in two types of emulsion and non-emulsion that their difference is in type of molecular mass (2000-4000).
Maybe this question comes to your mind that why this matter is called polyethylene wax. In fact, wax word is called to organic materials that are solid in environment temperature but while, the temperature increases they change to liquid. Because this subject is correct for this matter, it is called in this name.
Properties of Saudi polyethylene wax MHB22
Polyethylene waxes have one or multiple similar molecules with different molecular weights, that helps that the distribution of additives materials become better and as a distributer and activator agent in polyethylene, polypropylene and etc. for example usually is used to better dye dispersion in polymer materials. Compared to other polyethylene this matter because of uniform molecular mass and melting point, has better function, is purer, has less flexibility and resistance but its resistance to chemical materials and environmental stress, is fine.
Temperature changes has important effect on Saudi polyethylene wax MHB22 appearance, because with decreasing temperature it will be shrunk and with increasing temperature it will be expanded. In normal temperature is insoluble in organic solvents but in higher temperature is soluble in most of the non-polar, aliphatic, chlorine hydrocarbons.
Application of Saudi polyethylene
Saudi polyethylene wax MHB22 is used as waterproof agent in woody composite board, in many foodstuffs, cosmetics and sanitary, for examples packing foodstuffs, dairy products, moisturizing lotion and sunscreen, make candle, wastewater pipes and under gas pressure pipes production, injection and plastic products, to polish woody floor covering and etc.