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بنتون Coat Gel240 چين

Benton Coat Gel 340 China

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Benton Coat Gel 340

persian Title: چین Coat Gel 340 بنتون

Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Powder

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 25kg bag

Grade: Benton 340

Download: China Benton Coat Gel 340 China Analysis

Erosil Fossil 200 China

China Aerosil Fusil 200

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Erosil Fossil 200 China

persian Title: اروزيل فسیل 200 چين

other name : Erosil Fossil 200 China , Fumed silica

Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Powder

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 10 kg bag

Grade: Fumed Silica 200

Download: China Aerosil Fusil 200 Analysis

پترورزين تايوان GA120

Taiwan Petro resin GA120

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Taiwan Petro resin GA120

Other names: Petro Taiwan, Petro GA120

persian Title:  GA120 پترورزين تايوان

Manufacturer: Taiwan

Chemical Form: Solid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 25kg bag

Grade: GA120

DOWNLOAD: Taiwan PETORZINE GA120 Analyzer 

استون کومهو

Acetone Kumho

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Acetone Kumho

persian Title: استون کومهو

Producer: Kumho Korea

Chemical Form: Solid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 160kg barrel

Grade: 99.5%

Download: Acetone Kumho Analysis

کائوچو کلره CR20 باير آلمان

Bayern Germany CR 20 rubber

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: Bayern Germany CR 20 rubber

persian title: باير آلمان  CR20 کائوچو کلره

Manufacturer: Germany

Chemical Form: Solid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 25kg bag

Grade: CR20

DOWNLOAD: Bayern Germany CR 20 rubber analysis

پترو رزين c5 چين براي مصرف ترافيکي

China Petro resin C5 for traffic uses

تماس بگیرید

Product Name: China c5 petro resin for traffic use

persian title: چين براي مصرف ترافيکي c5 پترو رزين

Manufacturer: China

Chemical Form: Solid

Unit of measurement: kg

Package Type: 25kg bag

Grade: C5

Download: China c5 petro resin for traffic use Analysis