Korea Titanium Dioxide Anatase Cosmo KA100 is a white slide in form of powder, in the group of Titanium oxides, non-toxic, insoluble in organic acids and alkalic dilute solutions, with high refractory degree and very good heat stability.
What is Korea Titanium Dioxide Anatase Cosmo KA100 ?
White Titanium with TIO2, in nature usually is known as mineral material Rutile, Anatase, Brookite, are obtained of different Ore such as Ilmenite.
Advantages and properties of Titanium Dioxide Anatase Cosmo KA100
This neutral matter has excellent luminosity ability, high resistance of heat and abrasion, so high boiling and melting point, low solubility, great coating power, uninflammable and it counts as the most important white pigments or dyes. Also this matter has great chemical stability and wont become colorless due to contact with hydrogen sulfide gas and other existed gas in the atmosphere.
Applications of Titanium Dioxide Anatase Cosmo KA100
This matter usually is used as agent to create white color in coating film, rubber industry, wastewater filtration, body of the spacecraft, in sunscreens because of its high absorption of ultraviolet light, produce candys, biscuits, pastry, coffee bleacher, produce sea dyes, for whiteness of milk powder, to mark white lines in some of tennis field and etc.
Maintenance and use conditions of Titanium
Although in Globally harmonized system this matter is in the group of non-toxic and non-hazardous materials, in case of prolonged contact with that, is recommended to use proper, mask, gloves, safety clothes, glasses and hat.