Korea anti procedural is used to remove a layer on paint with a few thicknesses.in fact this matter prevents the reaction of oxidative paints with air, inside can. And it doesn’t affect on viscosity, film general stability, its polish and also on other rheological features of paint in both maintenance time and drying stage.
Affecting agents on create procedural
Usually, polymerize binders or oxidize resins tendency to coatings cause to dry surface and create procedural on paints. This process makes change the dye shape from liquid form to a hard material and that is because of the air oxygen existence.
Normally drying Oils and Resins with drying Oil cause to create procedural and also its counts and type of that. To name the agents that are affected to create procedural, can be mentioned to becoming gel because of losing solvents, surface oxidation in dye can or a compound of these two agents that upset the products colloidal balance.
An example of creating procedural
Cobalt dryer is very interested to reaction with air Oxygen that makes procedural on dye. So, after add the procedural to the formulation, divalent Cobalt will be oxidized and turns to trivalent Cobalt. Trivalent Cobalt cannot reactions with air Oxygen anymore so with this manner is prevented to create procedural.
Anti-Procedural agents
Anti-Procedural agents are divided in two Fennels and Oxides groups. Fennels usually used when products are exposed to different form of stability, oxidative or low volatility, and Oxides usually are used in dyes with surface active dryers.
Korea Anti Procedural application
This matter prevents oxidative dyes reactions with air, inside the can. And is used to prevent creating procedural in dry air colors.