Cobalt is a lucid purple liquid. Also it’s a surface dryer and a powerful oxidizer and usually is used with dryers aid. Extremely use of that cause to creating winkle on the surface and increasing fragility of paint film, and it has many applications in paint and resin industry, ink making, FRP fibers, casting.
Humidity doesn’t have that much effects on that and prevents humidity penetration inside the film. In case of not adjusting the Cobalt dryer because of surface fast dry it prevents film deeply dry. polymerize speed, increase hardness and paint film gloss and decrease brittle of that. And increase catalytic reaction speed like Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide for polymerizing unsaturated polyesters resins.
What is Cobalt?
Cobalt is one of the elements of periodic table with 27 atomic number. This element that is in the group of metal has silver white color or the same azure white that is very similar to Nickel metal but it doesn’t have Nickel yellow base. Cobalt doesn’t exist as a free metal and get it as a by-product in Cooper and Nickel extraction, with these elements usually Metal and Silver will be found. This element exists at the rate of 2% In the earth’s crust, and its 32nd abundant element in the earth’s
Cobalt properties.
This element is a metal and one of its isotopes is named Cobalt60, that has radioactive properties and is used as a cancer treatment in medical science. This matter is resistant to air and water and is not affected by them, it is very minor soluble in water. But it is solved in Sulfuric acid and Nitric acid and also with alkalic substances changes slowly. This matter has less bleaching power than Nickle but is used to decrease Nickle yellow base in these alloys. This matter has 58.93g/mol atomic mass and its melting and boiling point respectively equal to 1495 and 2927C, and 8.9 g/cm3 density in 20C. In terms of physical properties, it is very similar to Metal and Nickel. The alloys of this Metal also have highly functional properties such as resistant to abrasion, corrosion and heat (even in high temperature). This metal is ferromagnetism and will be attacked by Halogen and Sulfur.
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